NYLatenite’s Gamer’s Paradise



I’ve been playing quite a bit of Forza Motorsport 2 on the Xbox 360 lately, and while the game itself certainly is a load of fun (despite the lack of an in-car cockpit mode – and no, I won’t stop harping on that), the thing that I’ve been the most fascinated by is the incredible custom artwork some players have already come up with. I can’t begin to imagine the patience making some of these designs must require, as I gave up on my first custom paint job attempt after about 30 minutes and only a few shapes.

Perhaps the greatest feature of the game is the fact that the individuals who have spent the time to create these great designs can then put them up for sale via the Forza Motorsport 2 Auction House. Say what you want about the time spent coming up with some of these designs, but I can guarantee that the people who made them are swimming in credits right now and can easily afford to purchase just about any other custom painted car they may see. Doesn’t seem as much of a waste of time now, does it?

As for the rest of us – you know, the ones who couldn’t make a decent design to save our lives, we can spend our time racing for credits so we can also drive around in a car that amazes our friends. Since no article about the custom paint jobs available online would be complete without some examples, I’ve posted some pictures of the best cars I’ve managed to come out of the auction house with.

Click on the below pictures for larger sized images.

vc1 vc2 halo
few1 few2 evilmonkey
hobbes1 Hobbes2 pirate1
pirate2 bender1 bender2

I guess the ultimate compliment I can give some of the designs I’ve seen is that I can barely believe they were made using the in-game vinyl decal system. To all those custom car painters out there, I salute you – keep up the great work!

June 10, 2007 Posted by | Artwork, Auction, Custom, Forza Motorsport, Microsoft, Original Content, Racing, Xbox 360 | 9 Comments